Things Civil Engineers know better than anybody!

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The few ones I suppose are:

1. Technically diamond is more elastic than rubber as Elastic modulus of Diamond is in the range 1000-1200 GPa whereas that of rubber is approximately 0.1 GPa. This means on application of large loading, diamond may be in the elastic limit but rubber might go beyond it.

2. While widening road pavements on Horizontal Curves, apart from providing mechanical widening based on calculations, psychological widening is also provided to provide extra space and comfort while steering at high speeds.

3. The rails on a railway track generally shift by about 7.5 to 15 cm per month (known as creep) on an average in one of the opposite directions. 

4. On curves, the level of outer rail is raised above the inner rail by a certain amount depending on the centrifugal forces’s effects, known as Cant (road/rail).

5. The runway orientation on an airport is done in the direction of prevailing winds which is decided by studying Wind rose diagrams and not in any random way.

6. For buildings with height above 30 meters, the minimum open space (left inside and around a building to meet the lighting and ventilation requirements) of 10 m required for heights of 30 m, shall be increased at a rate of 1 m for every additional height of 5 meters, to a maximum of 16 m.

7. The minimum distance for construction of any building from center line of any street shall not be less than 7.5 m. for future widening of the road.

8. There are about 18 types of contracts for undertaking a tender of construction of any building.

9. Failure of steel reinforcement before the failure of concrete is safer as steel failure occurs with signs whereas concrete failure occurs without giving any previous hints. Thus the structures are designed as under-reinforcement following the Limit state design.

10. While designing RCC Structures, the design strength of the structure is taken 1.5 times less than the Characteristic strength" (fck) of concrete while the design load is taken 1.5 times of the expected load. The value 1.5 is the factor of Safety of concrete.

11. Fish ladders are provided in weirs as it is essential to make the provision of some space in the construction of a weir for the uninterrupted migration of fishes from upstream to downstream in search of relatively warm water in the beginning of winter season.

12. Sometimes land plots are left as it is after laying the foundation. This is generally done to allow natural Consolidation of the soil. In a year or two, a significant amount of pore water in the soils dissipates and the soil settles down. After this settlement, construction is started again.

13. The sewer pipes are designed to carry the maximum hourly sewage flow quantity, which is thrice the average daily sewage flow quantity while the sewage is flown according to the minimum hourly sewage flow quantity to maintain the minimum sewage velocity. 

1 comment :

  1. This is a great post Rakshita. I believe the Civil Engineers do have a key which will help us solve the real world problem for India and it's people. The shear audacity at which the civil engineering is growing, blended with new innovative ideas can set a remarkable stand alone point, by which we can change the course of the country.
    Keep it up :)
